A common style of dress gives each child a sense of belonging to the school community. We believe that taking a pride in their school and their personal appearance is important to enable them to 'rise to their best' and we often talk about wearing the Upton badge with pride. We ask that all uniform is named and that personal belongings are not brought into school. Hair which is shoulder length or longer needs to be tied up and only stud earrings are permitted (no hoops).
The Upton St James uniform consists of:
The team colours are as follows:
Dart - Blue, Exe - Red, Plym - Yellow, Teign - Green
PE kits consist of:
Children will be asked to come into school in their PE kit on PE days.
PE days are as follows:
Branson - Friday
Coston- Thursday
Blanchard - Monday
Hallet - Friday
All our uniform can be purchased online or in person from Riviera Schooldays
Riviera Schooldays 186 Union Street, Torquay, opposite Magistrates Court
Items which do not require to be branded can be purchased from a range of retailers, including second-hand retailers.
Second Hand Uniform:
We have a large range of second hand uniform available in school located in our reception, there is no charge for second hand uniform, please come and take what you need.
Uniform policy will be reviewed in January 2025